Monday, August 2, 2010

Aug 2 London

Lets just start by saying I have way too many photos to upload, because it was a long and busy sightseeing day. We started out at a leisurely 10 am or so, headed into Cambridge in the car. Linda, Sean, Shayla, Shannon and myself. We hit the train station right before the train left. It was the Express, straight into London's King's Cross with no stops. Even though it was off-peak the train was still packed. Standing room only.
Once in London Linda showed us the way to London Euston train station where we will be catching the train on Wed, and while in the station I picked up our tickets.
We got on the tube and headed down to Trafalgar Square, where Linda picked up bus tour tickets for us, apparently with some kind of Tesco vouchers. We took a few photos at Trafalgar before getting on the tour bus, which we stayed on until we got to Buckingham Palace. 
We finished off our lunch before wandering around the front of the Palace. We already knew the changing of the guards wasn't going to be on today, but we did get some good photos anyway.
We got back on the bus and finished a good portion of the tour before getting off at the Tower of London. This is where the boat tour part of the package started. So we got on one of the river tour boats and headed up the Thames until we got to the Greenwich dock.
In Greenwich we took a short look around the old Naval Academy, then stopped at a coffee bar for a cold drink. I have to say, it's a good thing we brought a couple umbrella's because it sure kept the rain away. We had a lot of sun with some clouds, but it was very warm today. Probably about 22-24 degrees today.
We “hiked” up the hill to the observatory where meridian 0 0 0' is located. There was a bit of a queue to get your picture taken, but we waited our turn and took a few photos of us standing on the meridian.
When we got back down the hill we decided it was time to do a little shopping for souvenirs in London so we took the tube down to Oxford Circus. We shopped from there along the pedestrian streets until Piccadilly Circus, where we ended up buying pretty much what we wanted before realizing it was almost 8 pm. So we stopped at the Bella Italia for dinner.
After dinner we caught the tube from Piccadilly to London King's Cross where we switched to the train back to Cambridge. I think it was about 9:05 when we got on the train, which is about an hour to Cambridge. By the time the train got to Cambridge it was pitch black out and Shannon and Shayla looked like they were going to fall asleep.
Nothing to do when we got home except check out the day's photos and catch up on the blog (or Facebook).

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